Well tomorrow evening I get the chance to take part in TeachMeet EdTech which will be my first TeachMeet that is focusing on technology in education. The event is taking place at the University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, NW1 5LS Map here TeachMeets are free events and this one is no exception. You can […]
Tag Archives | maths
Twitter Recommendations
Lists, maybe you love them or hate them. Personally I am not very good at making them. However, today I appeared on one! Many thanks to Promethean World who listed me amongst their Twitter Recommendations here http://bit.ly/23Ox7VI I certainly appear alongside some impressive tweeters. Usually, these type of lists of recommended people always seem to have […]
Practical Pedagogies 2015
Practical Pedagogies Conference was held on 15th to 16th October 2015 at the International School of Toulouse (IST). This was my first workshop held at an International Teachers Conference, and to say that I was looking forward to this event is probably an understatement. I have run many CPD events for both my own company […]
Stem Education
There are many debates about getting children into STEM employment. Here from the ASPIRES project at Kings College London, a document outlining 10 fact or fictions about this issue. I received a copy of this on one of my units of work as part of my MA and thought I should share it. I am sure […]