Conferences and Books
Conferences, appearances and writing that Maggie has been involved in since the company has started. More will appear here soon. Every opportunity has been great fun. Each opportunity has developed my learning further. The BETT show in 2014. I was part of an ‘Ask the Expert’ group for NAACE Published an article in […]
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Roamer visits Russia
Roamer will be making its first appearance this term in an international school in Moscow. During the first term the children in year 5 will get to learn how to use Roamer via a literacy unit on instructional writing. They will be writing a variety of different instructions on how to make the Roamer move. […]
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Flipped Classroom
We are a company that believes in taking a risk and challenging boundaries. Therefore, when the call came through on Twitter for someone to donate an ipad to help a newly qualified teacher (NQT) to develop resources for a flipped classroom project, we could not resist.
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Learning to podcast and blog
In June 2013 I had the chance to return to St Mary’s Primary School in Shropshire. This school was involved with Oliver Goldsmith Primary in the earlier mentioned evacuation project.
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Working with young unemployed adults
In May 2013 I was given the opportunity to work with a group of young people who are currently out of work. The two day workshop was designed by me to help develop self-confidence and was run in the ‘Old Library’ in West Norwood.
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Evacuation Project – June 2011
Maggie first came up with the idea of a WW2 evacuation project for inner city school children around 2007. Working in partnership with the Headteacher at St. Mary’s Primary School Bucknell, they came up with an effective plan to implement this project.
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